Let me begin this week with an issue that will be with us the rest of our lives. Fallout from the ill-advised covid vaccination campaign of a few years ago persists through-out our society.
One of the interesting stories remaining behind the scenes is that of embalmers. What they have discovered since late spring of 2021 following the widespread distribution of the covid vaccine is alarming. Reasonable investigation should apply to this situation in the interest of explaining why the phenomenon they face exists.
Here is the link to a video entitled, Why Are Embalmers Observations Being Ignored?
I am sure you pay attention to the economy, especially at the grocery store. It is obvious the current economic climate is difficult for many Americans. Inflation and higher interest rates are taking a steady toll on the economy. Daily we read about stores closing and companies cutting jobs. Furthermore, we read about stress occurring as millions are not paying their bills.
There are millions of moving parts in the economy of any nation as individuals make financial decisions and governments set various policies affecting us all. So how is one to prosper? How is one to have their needs met?
It is interesting to note the Lord never insinuates in Scripture that his promises are dependent on the condition of a nation’s economy. In other words, we can experience God’s faithfulness regardless of what is happening around us.
The starting place for believers to experience God’s faithfulness is found in Matthew chapter six. I encourage you to read Matthew 6:19-34. Take to heart verse thirty-three. Examine your life and determine where you are neglecting to put the Lord first.
Obey Matthew 6:33. Putting the Lord first opens the door to his faithfulness. He promises to add the things we have need of as we seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness. While none of us can be sure of what our economy may look like tomorrow, we can rest in God’s faithfulness as we obey him. He knows we have basic needs and he promises to add the things we have need of as we seek him. Amen!
David Reagan is an author, speaker, and founder of Lion and Lamb Ministries. Perhaps you know of him. He is a dear brother in the Lord and I think you will enjoy a recent article he wrote and which appeared in the Harbinger’s Daily. The article is entitled, The Most Important Prophetic Sign Of All Has Bloomed Right Before Our Eyes.
Of course, the rebirth of the nation of Israel in 1948 is that sign. Since that time millions of Jews have returned to their ancient homeland. Without question, their existence is under constant attack. This past Saturday I became aware of another missile attack on Israel from Hezbollah in Lebanon. Initial reports have ten people dead with youth playing soccer among them and another 20 injured. Israel is under unbelievable stress as enemies torment them from every direction.
Yet through all the struggle the fact remains she is in a national posture conducive to the fulfillment of the 70th week of Daniel’s famous prophecy. Indeed, Israel is God’s super sign that the coming of Christ for his church is near, even at the door! Read David Reagan’s article here and strengthen your understanding of Israel’s history and future.
And be ye also ready. For in such an hour as you think not the Son of man comes!
A deep spiritual deception threatens you and your family. I am referring to the deception of the New Age movement. The tenacles of this deception meander through-out music, entertainment, the internet, and sadly into our churches.
This is a broad subject and what I’m sharing today can only serve as a reminder to protect your family and church from the insidious encroachment of this evil. Of course, your children are the chief prize Satan seeks to allure into his web of deception. Consequently, we need to watch and be spiritually alert. We need to identify and expose his deception wherever it occurs.
I think the testimony and insight of a dear lady named Doreen Virtue, whom the Lord delivered from a paganized form of Christianity, can help instruct us all on this matter. Here is a link to a video entitled, 4 New Age Lies that are Deceiving Christians and Infiltrating the Church.
One of the lessons I hope you glean from this video is the fact we cannot “Christianize” pagan practices including Yoga.
A fundamental teaching from Genesis 1:1-2:1 is the declaration of Scripture that God created the universe, an inhabitable planet earth, mankind in his image, and the fullness of life on planet earth in six normal twenty-four-hour days. He rested on the seventh day which also consisted of a normal day/night cycle of twenty-four hours.
Sadly, the compromising (or perhaps simply confused) church refuses to accept the obvious meaning of the Hebrew language in Genesis 1:1-2:1. The Hebrew word for day and the language of the text clearly reveals a six-day creation week with a day of rest on the seventh day.
Of course, once we eliminate the “Gap Theory” compromise and accept the simple, straight-forward meaning of the word day in Genesis 1:1-2:1 we are left with a total world history of less than 10,000 years as revealed by the Holy Spirit in the pages of his inspired word.
Those of us who accept the authority of Scripture on this matter are often branded as “Young Earth Creationists.” So be it, however, I prefer if you must call me anything please refer to this preacher as a “Biblical Creationist.” I start with God’s word, not man’s word and I refuse to deny the clear meaning of Genesis 1-11.
Regarding a recent creation (although nearly 6000 years is a long time) I stand on the revelation of Holy Scripture and reject without reservation the pagan concept of “millions of years.” Deep time is the savior of intellectual evolutionary babble and why followers of the Lord Jesus Christ (our Creator/Redeemer) should leave that door open for them by abandoning the clear teaching of Scripture is puzzling to me.
Here are several links to excellent articles to help you understand the meaning of the word “day” as it is used in the creation week detailed in Genesis 1:1-2:1. Study them carefully:
Recently we enjoyed hosting the Lore Family at our local church in a CBM event. They did a great job and I think their latest music CD entitled THE WORLD NEEDS A SONG would be a blessing to your family. You can find information about their ministry and music at www.thelorefamilyministries.com
Another way to receive their latest CD is to share a one-time gift of any size in support of Christian Broadcast Ministry (CBM). Visit cbmtoday.org where you can donate online, and our office will get a CD mailed out to you in a timely fashion.
Last week I called attention to our Lord’s insistence that we must deny self to be his disciple. Certainly, confessing Christ as personal savior in some measure always includes denying self.
An example will get this point across. In John 9 we have the story of a man born blind. Our Lord healed the man, and the miracle stirred a great controversy among the Jews. They sought to deny the miracle since it obviously served to confirm Jesus’ claim to be the Messiah.
A very interesting part of this incident in our Lord’s public ministry is the reaction of this man’s parents who refused to have anything to do with the miracle because they feared the Jewish leaders. They knew if they confessed Jesus as the Christ, then they would be put out of the synagogue (John 9:22).
Here is the point: if we would be a disciple of Christ, then we must deny our self and take up our cross at the point of decision (the cross in part speaks of the rejection of men and of the world).
Have you counted the cost of following Christ? Is he more precious to you than the approval of family or of other men? The words of the hymn Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken expresses thoughts on this great truth:
Jesus, I my cross have taken,
All to leave and follow Thee;
Destitute, despised, forsaken,
Thou, from hence, my all shalt be.
Perish every fond ambition,
All I’ve sought, and hoped, and known;
Yet how rich is my condition,
God and Christ are still my own!
Let the world despise and leave me,
They have left my Savior, too;
Human hearts and looks deceive me;
Thou art not, like man, untrue;
And, while Thou shalt smile upon me,
God of wisdom, love, and might,
Foes may hate, and friends disown me;
Show Thy face, and all is bright.
Yes, we have denied our self, and we take up the cross to follow the great lover of our soul!
The sermon notes from my last message on “The Ministry of John the Baptist Part Three” based on Luke 3:7-9 are available on my site for free download as usual. Also, all the other message notes in my current verse-by-verse series through the gospel of Luke are available on my site.
In addition, if you would like to view the sermon based on this it is available on my site.
I am pleased to announce another CBM event coming on August 11th at 6pm. Tammy Jones Robinette is coming for a night of wonderful gospel music. Please feel welcome to attend and plan to bring someone with you. Visit cbmtoday.org for directions to our location as needed.
If you are not able to attend church for some reason this week, remember to join us for our “live” worship service this Sunday at 10:30am. We broadcast live on television and radio. Visit cbmtoday.org for more information.
Feel welcome to share feedback with me at [email protected] and may the Lord bless you is my prayer.
Pastor Rusty Yost
P.S. You can access past issues of Discerning the Times by visiting the blog page on my website. Once on the blog page simply scroll down the page and past issues become visible. Tell others to check this information out. For the most part, the content in these past blogs remains relevant today.
One of the interesting stories remaining behind the scenes is that of embalmers. What they have discovered since late spring of 2021 following the widespread distribution of the covid vaccine is alarming. Reasonable investigation should apply to this situation in the interest of explaining why the phenomenon they face exists.
Here is the link to a video entitled, Why Are Embalmers Observations Being Ignored?
I am sure you pay attention to the economy, especially at the grocery store. It is obvious the current economic climate is difficult for many Americans. Inflation and higher interest rates are taking a steady toll on the economy. Daily we read about stores closing and companies cutting jobs. Furthermore, we read about stress occurring as millions are not paying their bills.
There are millions of moving parts in the economy of any nation as individuals make financial decisions and governments set various policies affecting us all. So how is one to prosper? How is one to have their needs met?
It is interesting to note the Lord never insinuates in Scripture that his promises are dependent on the condition of a nation’s economy. In other words, we can experience God’s faithfulness regardless of what is happening around us.
The starting place for believers to experience God’s faithfulness is found in Matthew chapter six. I encourage you to read Matthew 6:19-34. Take to heart verse thirty-three. Examine your life and determine where you are neglecting to put the Lord first.
Obey Matthew 6:33. Putting the Lord first opens the door to his faithfulness. He promises to add the things we have need of as we seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness. While none of us can be sure of what our economy may look like tomorrow, we can rest in God’s faithfulness as we obey him. He knows we have basic needs and he promises to add the things we have need of as we seek him. Amen!
David Reagan is an author, speaker, and founder of Lion and Lamb Ministries. Perhaps you know of him. He is a dear brother in the Lord and I think you will enjoy a recent article he wrote and which appeared in the Harbinger’s Daily. The article is entitled, The Most Important Prophetic Sign Of All Has Bloomed Right Before Our Eyes.
Of course, the rebirth of the nation of Israel in 1948 is that sign. Since that time millions of Jews have returned to their ancient homeland. Without question, their existence is under constant attack. This past Saturday I became aware of another missile attack on Israel from Hezbollah in Lebanon. Initial reports have ten people dead with youth playing soccer among them and another 20 injured. Israel is under unbelievable stress as enemies torment them from every direction.
Yet through all the struggle the fact remains she is in a national posture conducive to the fulfillment of the 70th week of Daniel’s famous prophecy. Indeed, Israel is God’s super sign that the coming of Christ for his church is near, even at the door! Read David Reagan’s article here and strengthen your understanding of Israel’s history and future.
And be ye also ready. For in such an hour as you think not the Son of man comes!
A deep spiritual deception threatens you and your family. I am referring to the deception of the New Age movement. The tenacles of this deception meander through-out music, entertainment, the internet, and sadly into our churches.
This is a broad subject and what I’m sharing today can only serve as a reminder to protect your family and church from the insidious encroachment of this evil. Of course, your children are the chief prize Satan seeks to allure into his web of deception. Consequently, we need to watch and be spiritually alert. We need to identify and expose his deception wherever it occurs.
I think the testimony and insight of a dear lady named Doreen Virtue, whom the Lord delivered from a paganized form of Christianity, can help instruct us all on this matter. Here is a link to a video entitled, 4 New Age Lies that are Deceiving Christians and Infiltrating the Church.
One of the lessons I hope you glean from this video is the fact we cannot “Christianize” pagan practices including Yoga.
A fundamental teaching from Genesis 1:1-2:1 is the declaration of Scripture that God created the universe, an inhabitable planet earth, mankind in his image, and the fullness of life on planet earth in six normal twenty-four-hour days. He rested on the seventh day which also consisted of a normal day/night cycle of twenty-four hours.
Sadly, the compromising (or perhaps simply confused) church refuses to accept the obvious meaning of the Hebrew language in Genesis 1:1-2:1. The Hebrew word for day and the language of the text clearly reveals a six-day creation week with a day of rest on the seventh day.
Of course, once we eliminate the “Gap Theory” compromise and accept the simple, straight-forward meaning of the word day in Genesis 1:1-2:1 we are left with a total world history of less than 10,000 years as revealed by the Holy Spirit in the pages of his inspired word.
Those of us who accept the authority of Scripture on this matter are often branded as “Young Earth Creationists.” So be it, however, I prefer if you must call me anything please refer to this preacher as a “Biblical Creationist.” I start with God’s word, not man’s word and I refuse to deny the clear meaning of Genesis 1-11.
Regarding a recent creation (although nearly 6000 years is a long time) I stand on the revelation of Holy Scripture and reject without reservation the pagan concept of “millions of years.” Deep time is the savior of intellectual evolutionary babble and why followers of the Lord Jesus Christ (our Creator/Redeemer) should leave that door open for them by abandoning the clear teaching of Scripture is puzzling to me.
Here are several links to excellent articles to help you understand the meaning of the word “day” as it is used in the creation week detailed in Genesis 1:1-2:1. Study them carefully:
Recently we enjoyed hosting the Lore Family at our local church in a CBM event. They did a great job and I think their latest music CD entitled THE WORLD NEEDS A SONG would be a blessing to your family. You can find information about their ministry and music at www.thelorefamilyministries.com
Another way to receive their latest CD is to share a one-time gift of any size in support of Christian Broadcast Ministry (CBM). Visit cbmtoday.org where you can donate online, and our office will get a CD mailed out to you in a timely fashion.
Last week I called attention to our Lord’s insistence that we must deny self to be his disciple. Certainly, confessing Christ as personal savior in some measure always includes denying self.
An example will get this point across. In John 9 we have the story of a man born blind. Our Lord healed the man, and the miracle stirred a great controversy among the Jews. They sought to deny the miracle since it obviously served to confirm Jesus’ claim to be the Messiah.
A very interesting part of this incident in our Lord’s public ministry is the reaction of this man’s parents who refused to have anything to do with the miracle because they feared the Jewish leaders. They knew if they confessed Jesus as the Christ, then they would be put out of the synagogue (John 9:22).
Here is the point: if we would be a disciple of Christ, then we must deny our self and take up our cross at the point of decision (the cross in part speaks of the rejection of men and of the world).
Have you counted the cost of following Christ? Is he more precious to you than the approval of family or of other men? The words of the hymn Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken expresses thoughts on this great truth:
Jesus, I my cross have taken,
All to leave and follow Thee;
Destitute, despised, forsaken,
Thou, from hence, my all shalt be.
Perish every fond ambition,
All I’ve sought, and hoped, and known;
Yet how rich is my condition,
God and Christ are still my own!
Let the world despise and leave me,
They have left my Savior, too;
Human hearts and looks deceive me;
Thou art not, like man, untrue;
And, while Thou shalt smile upon me,
God of wisdom, love, and might,
Foes may hate, and friends disown me;
Show Thy face, and all is bright.
Yes, we have denied our self, and we take up the cross to follow the great lover of our soul!
The sermon notes from my last message on “The Ministry of John the Baptist Part Three” based on Luke 3:7-9 are available on my site for free download as usual. Also, all the other message notes in my current verse-by-verse series through the gospel of Luke are available on my site.
In addition, if you would like to view the sermon based on this it is available on my site.
I am pleased to announce another CBM event coming on August 11th at 6pm. Tammy Jones Robinette is coming for a night of wonderful gospel music. Please feel welcome to attend and plan to bring someone with you. Visit cbmtoday.org for directions to our location as needed.
If you are not able to attend church for some reason this week, remember to join us for our “live” worship service this Sunday at 10:30am. We broadcast live on television and radio. Visit cbmtoday.org for more information.
Feel welcome to share feedback with me at [email protected] and may the Lord bless you is my prayer.
Pastor Rusty Yost
P.S. You can access past issues of Discerning the Times by visiting the blog page on my website. Once on the blog page simply scroll down the page and past issues become visible. Tell others to check this information out. For the most part, the content in these past blogs remains relevant today.