I know you are a freedom loving American! We should give thanks daily for the great Republic of the United States of America. We are a republic (not a democracy). This means we are a nation under the rule of Law, not the rule of the latest mob to come along.
Thank God for the gift of a Constitutional Republic. As you celebrate the 4th take out a copy of the Constitution and read it again. And of course, read the Declaration of Independence which is the birth certificate of the nation. Always prize the liberty possessed in your homeland and don’t be afraid to stand up against those who attempt to destroy our liberties.
Remember: we are stewards of the Republican form of government entrusted to us by our Founders. In our case, if we “render unto Caesar the things that our Caesar’s” we must be good citizens who vote and hold public officials accountable. Furthermore, we must stay involved by praying, in some cases running for office, and otherwise influencing public policy to reflect righteousness.
Celebrate with joy and never lose sight of the great truth that freedom is worth fighting for! Below are a few stories in the news that might encourage you as we celebrate the 4th.
I hope you noticed during June this year that companies pulled back from heavy promotion of “pride month.” One big announcement came from the Tractor Supply Company (TSC). Their change of mind is the result of many Americans pushing back on the company’s promotion of pride parades. Check out this story from Todd Starnes and be encouraged. Taking a stand for righteousness MATTERS!
I trust you are aware of the horrible mistreatment of patriotic Americans held in prison since January 6, 2021. While some misbehavior occurred at the very large rally held in Washington, D.C. on January 6, 2021, innocent Americans who did no wrong have suffered in prison under false accusations. This mistreatment is a slap in the face of all freedom loving Americans.
If you are not up on the story this lengthy article distributed by the news site Revolver will get you caught up as they report on a recent major ruling by the Supreme Court. Hopefully the J6 prisoners will soon be released. Here is a link to the story.
This past Sunday we distributed a booklet to our congregation entitled, “The Progressive Threat to the American Republic.” This publication is written by Joe Vitagliano of the American Family Association. I encourage you to secure a copy as the content of this booklet helps us discern the influence of progressive thinking in America over the last 100 years.
It is important every American understand where the ideological onslaught against our Republic is coming from. This booklet will help you stand more firmly in defense of the America we love. If you would like a free copy simply drop a request to my email [email protected] with your address and we will send you a copy. Otherwise, visit AFA at this link.
To say there is a tsunami of stress building in our economy is quite an understatement! We are all feeling the effects of inflation with more to come unfortunately. Maybe you should view this report on Friday, so it doesn’t mess up your 4th of July celebration!
However, we cannot deny the reality facing millions in America today. Many people are struggling in this economy. Check out this report entitled, “15 Signs That The US Economy Is In Far Worse Shape Than Most People Think.”
Israel is in a constant struggle for existence. The current war spawned by the barbaric attack of Hamas on October 7, 2023, is the latest example. We must pray for Israel as the nation fights for its survival. Antisemitism is a horrible evil. There is no justification for the persecution of the Jewish people. In fact, left unchecked the perpetrators of this evil will come for Christians next and anyone else who fails to bow to their false god.
Tragically, Israel faces another danger coming from the professing Christian church. So called “replacement theology” displaces Israel’s primary role in history. This faulty thinking says God is done with Israel and the church has replaced Israel altogether. I encourage you to simply read the Word of God and accept what God says about his plans for the future of Israel. How could anyone honestly read the Scriptures and conclude God is done with Israel??
To the contrary, our Savior the Lord Jesus Christ is destined to rule over a global kingdom from the city of Jerusalem. In the coming kingdom of Christ Israel shall rule the world! Ministers who preach the Word understand exactly what I’m saying here.
Thankfully there are many faithful men of God preaching the truth of Scripture. Let me connect you to a very interesting interview conducted by CBN news featuring Pastor Robert Stearns. I agree with his position on Israel and since this interview is so timely I pass it along to you. Here is the link to the interview.
Note: I am pleased to inform you about the various programs airing on WGGN TV 52 that proclaim the truth about Israel. Programs like Jewish Voice, Jerusalem Dateline, Our Jewish Roots, the Rosenburg Report, Stakelbeck Tonight, the 700 Club, CBM Today, CBM Worship, John Ankerberg, and others. VISIT CBMTODAY.ORG TO DOWNLOAD A COMPLETE PROGRAM SCHEDULE FOR TV 52.
One more note on Israel. If you would like a thorough update on things as they stand right now in Israel, then you will enjoy this update from Amir Tsarfati.
A basic parenting principle is to keep children away from evil and train them in what is good. The wise parent brings their children under the godly influence of those who fear and serve the Lord.
With that in mind, I want you to read the testimony of a guest who visited the Ark Encounter, a ministry of Answers in Genesis. AIG is an example of a godly influence you can bring to bear on your family. Of course, it is just one example. My point is simply that you watch for ways to introduce godly influences upon your children whether it be in entertainment, reading, friendships, and so on. Here is the link to the testimony.
May I ask you a few questions? Are you a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ? Do you confess Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? Are you trusting the Lord Jesus as your only hope of heaven?
If you are a sincere believer, then desire the “sincere milk of the word that you might grow thereby” (1 Peter 2:2). You must feed upon the Word of God in two primary ways: personal reading and attending the house of God.
Do you understand the primary function of a pastor is to “feed the flock of God” whom they are called to serve (1 Peter 5:1-3; 2 Timothy 4:1-4)? Then why do believers neglect the house of God? Be careful my friend. You need to read the Word of God and you need to interact with a godly pastor committed to feeding you the Word of God.
I don’t know your personal habits, but I encourage you to hunger and thirst after the things of God! Always have a hungry heart ready to hear and obey the Lord and you will keep growing in Christ.
The sermon notes from my last message on “The Progressive Threat to the American Republic” are now posted for free download as desired. Also, all the other message notes in my current verse-by-verse series through the gospel of Luke are available on my site.
In addition, if you would like to view the sermon on America preached this past Sunday, you can view it on my site.
I am returning to our series through the book of St. Luke this Sunday morning. Join us for our live broadcast on WGGN TV and Radio, WLLA, WLRD, and WJKW at 10:30 am as you are able. As well we are streaming this live service on ROKU and other platforms. Visit www.cbmtoday.org for more information on the streaming options we have available for viewing.
Let me remind you again of a special event coming up at CBM on July 14th at 6pm. We are pleased to welcome the Lore Family (well-known Southern Gospel group) for a wonderful evening of ministry. Make plans to come!
I appreciate your prayers and encouragement. One way you can encourage me is to let others know about Firelands Christian Academy. We are accepting new students K-12 at FCA. Interested families can call 419-684-8642 for information.
May the Lord bless you is my prayer.
Pastor Rusty Yost
I know you are a freedom loving American! We should give thanks daily for the great Republic of the United States of America. We are a republic (not a democracy). This means we are a nation under the rule of Law, not the rule of the latest mob to come along.
Thank God for the gift of a Constitutional Republic. As you celebrate the 4th take out a copy of the Constitution and read it again. And of course, read the Declaration of Independence which is the birth certificate of the nation. Always prize the liberty possessed in your homeland and don’t be afraid to stand up against those who attempt to destroy our liberties.
Remember: we are stewards of the Republican form of government entrusted to us by our Founders. In our case, if we “render unto Caesar the things that our Caesar’s” we must be good citizens who vote and hold public officials accountable. Furthermore, we must stay involved by praying, in some cases running for office, and otherwise influencing public policy to reflect righteousness.
Celebrate with joy and never lose sight of the great truth that freedom is worth fighting for! Below are a few stories in the news that might encourage you as we celebrate the 4th.
I hope you noticed during June this year that companies pulled back from heavy promotion of “pride month.” One big announcement came from the Tractor Supply Company (TSC). Their change of mind is the result of many Americans pushing back on the company’s promotion of pride parades. Check out this story from Todd Starnes and be encouraged. Taking a stand for righteousness MATTERS!
I trust you are aware of the horrible mistreatment of patriotic Americans held in prison since January 6, 2021. While some misbehavior occurred at the very large rally held in Washington, D.C. on January 6, 2021, innocent Americans who did no wrong have suffered in prison under false accusations. This mistreatment is a slap in the face of all freedom loving Americans.
If you are not up on the story this lengthy article distributed by the news site Revolver will get you caught up as they report on a recent major ruling by the Supreme Court. Hopefully the J6 prisoners will soon be released. Here is a link to the story.
This past Sunday we distributed a booklet to our congregation entitled, “The Progressive Threat to the American Republic.” This publication is written by Joe Vitagliano of the American Family Association. I encourage you to secure a copy as the content of this booklet helps us discern the influence of progressive thinking in America over the last 100 years.
It is important every American understand where the ideological onslaught against our Republic is coming from. This booklet will help you stand more firmly in defense of the America we love. If you would like a free copy simply drop a request to my email [email protected] with your address and we will send you a copy. Otherwise, visit AFA at this link.
To say there is a tsunami of stress building in our economy is quite an understatement! We are all feeling the effects of inflation with more to come unfortunately. Maybe you should view this report on Friday, so it doesn’t mess up your 4th of July celebration!
However, we cannot deny the reality facing millions in America today. Many people are struggling in this economy. Check out this report entitled, “15 Signs That The US Economy Is In Far Worse Shape Than Most People Think.”
Israel is in a constant struggle for existence. The current war spawned by the barbaric attack of Hamas on October 7, 2023, is the latest example. We must pray for Israel as the nation fights for its survival. Antisemitism is a horrible evil. There is no justification for the persecution of the Jewish people. In fact, left unchecked the perpetrators of this evil will come for Christians next and anyone else who fails to bow to their false god.
Tragically, Israel faces another danger coming from the professing Christian church. So called “replacement theology” displaces Israel’s primary role in history. This faulty thinking says God is done with Israel and the church has replaced Israel altogether. I encourage you to simply read the Word of God and accept what God says about his plans for the future of Israel. How could anyone honestly read the Scriptures and conclude God is done with Israel??
To the contrary, our Savior the Lord Jesus Christ is destined to rule over a global kingdom from the city of Jerusalem. In the coming kingdom of Christ Israel shall rule the world! Ministers who preach the Word understand exactly what I’m saying here.
Thankfully there are many faithful men of God preaching the truth of Scripture. Let me connect you to a very interesting interview conducted by CBN news featuring Pastor Robert Stearns. I agree with his position on Israel and since this interview is so timely I pass it along to you. Here is the link to the interview.
Note: I am pleased to inform you about the various programs airing on WGGN TV 52 that proclaim the truth about Israel. Programs like Jewish Voice, Jerusalem Dateline, Our Jewish Roots, the Rosenburg Report, Stakelbeck Tonight, the 700 Club, CBM Today, CBM Worship, John Ankerberg, and others. VISIT CBMTODAY.ORG TO DOWNLOAD A COMPLETE PROGRAM SCHEDULE FOR TV 52.
One more note on Israel. If you would like a thorough update on things as they stand right now in Israel, then you will enjoy this update from Amir Tsarfati.
A basic parenting principle is to keep children away from evil and train them in what is good. The wise parent brings their children under the godly influence of those who fear and serve the Lord.
With that in mind, I want you to read the testimony of a guest who visited the Ark Encounter, a ministry of Answers in Genesis. AIG is an example of a godly influence you can bring to bear on your family. Of course, it is just one example. My point is simply that you watch for ways to introduce godly influences upon your children whether it be in entertainment, reading, friendships, and so on. Here is the link to the testimony.
May I ask you a few questions? Are you a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ? Do you confess Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? Are you trusting the Lord Jesus as your only hope of heaven?
If you are a sincere believer, then desire the “sincere milk of the word that you might grow thereby” (1 Peter 2:2). You must feed upon the Word of God in two primary ways: personal reading and attending the house of God.
Do you understand the primary function of a pastor is to “feed the flock of God” whom they are called to serve (1 Peter 5:1-3; 2 Timothy 4:1-4)? Then why do believers neglect the house of God? Be careful my friend. You need to read the Word of God and you need to interact with a godly pastor committed to feeding you the Word of God.
I don’t know your personal habits, but I encourage you to hunger and thirst after the things of God! Always have a hungry heart ready to hear and obey the Lord and you will keep growing in Christ.
The sermon notes from my last message on “The Progressive Threat to the American Republic” are now posted for free download as desired. Also, all the other message notes in my current verse-by-verse series through the gospel of Luke are available on my site.
In addition, if you would like to view the sermon on America preached this past Sunday, you can view it on my site.
I am returning to our series through the book of St. Luke this Sunday morning. Join us for our live broadcast on WGGN TV and Radio, WLLA, WLRD, and WJKW at 10:30 am as you are able. As well we are streaming this live service on ROKU and other platforms. Visit www.cbmtoday.org for more information on the streaming options we have available for viewing.
Let me remind you again of a special event coming up at CBM on July 14th at 6pm. We are pleased to welcome the Lore Family (well-known Southern Gospel group) for a wonderful evening of ministry. Make plans to come!
I appreciate your prayers and encouragement. One way you can encourage me is to let others know about Firelands Christian Academy. We are accepting new students K-12 at FCA. Interested families can call 419-684-8642 for information.
May the Lord bless you is my prayer.
Pastor Rusty Yost