Join Pastor Rusty live every Sunday morning at 10:30 am on WGGN TV 52 in Ohio or WLLA TV 64 in Michigan.
This weekly service is also streamed live on ROKU, Amazon Fire TV, Apple TV, Android TV, and Samsung TV.
Download our app by searching WGGN TV 52 when using one of the streaming TV services.
Also, our live service is available on either your Android or Apple mobile phone. Simply download our app to your phone by searching WGGN TV 52 in the Google store or Apple store.
As well, our live service is broadcast on WGGN FM 97.7 Sandusky, Ohio,
WLRD FM 96.9 Willard, Ohio, and WJKW 95.9 Athens, Ohio.
This weekly service is also streamed live on ROKU, Amazon Fire TV, Apple TV, Android TV, and Samsung TV.
Download our app by searching WGGN TV 52 when using one of the streaming TV services.
Also, our live service is available on either your Android or Apple mobile phone. Simply download our app to your phone by searching WGGN TV 52 in the Google store or Apple store.
As well, our live service is broadcast on WGGN FM 97.7 Sandusky, Ohio,
WLRD FM 96.9 Willard, Ohio, and WJKW 95.9 Athens, Ohio.
Free revised Sanctity of Human Life Ethic PDF available here.
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