Inflation. A border crisis. Election integrity. Vaccine passports. Big Tech censorship. Transgender confusion. Disney+ debut of a homosexual love song. Latest attack on Hobby Lobby.
Wow! It seems every passing month is filled with more stress for the nation.
I'm sure everyone is noticing the rise in prices for various commodities, houses, and automobiles. While there are a number of contributing factors no one should overlook the obvious.
One leading investment advisor points we are living through the greatest economic and social experiment since FDR’s New Deal. Today 26% of the money in the U.S. economy was printed by the government since February of last year. As a result, inflation has hit almost 5%... that’s the highest we’ve seen in 30 years.
Another report I read indicates if the annual rate of inflation remains at 5% the money we have saved will lose 50% of its purchasing power over the next 14 years. However, what if the rate of inflation goes higher?
The point is, printing trillions of dollars is destroying the value of every dollar in the nation and around the world. We cannot continue the madness of printing dollars until our currency is completely destroyed.
Remember, faithful stewardship positions us for God's best, but we will still feel the fall out from foolish monetary policy driven by our politicians and the Federal Reserve. In my opinion you would be wise to avoid debt of just about any kind if possible. Of course, this is wise under any circumstance. However, it is especially true at this time.
As things potentially worsen economically in the country, we would do well to remember the virtue of contentment. Take the time to read 1 Timothy 6:6-8 and let this instruction sink in. I think we are about to learn some new lessons in contentment.
On another front, I trust you are aware of the crisis on our southern border. It is troubling to say the least. The current administration owns this crisis as they created it with the very unwise policies implemented since President Biden took office.
Sadly, one of the major fallouts from the border mess is the reality COVID is without question being spread by illegal immigrants who are not tested, not vaccinated, and may even be sick as they are turned loose in the country. What hypocrisy on the part of our current administration. They compel citizens to go the extra mile to fight the pandemic and then welcome illegals with open arms with no masks, no testing, etc.
Another issue coming to the surface in the nation, whether some want to face it or not, is the problem of fraud in the 2020 election. If you are unaware of things coming to light in Arizona and elsewhere, I encourage you to catch up on the latest. A good source of news is now available on WGGN 52.5 which features the Real America's Voice network. It is available free via an outside antenna.
Next, I'm sure you are aware of the call by some to force every American to take the COVID vaccine. This raises a grave issue relating to personal freedom. Should the government have the power to make you participate in a medical procedure? Check out this link for an important perspective from the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons on this issue.
I encourage you to join me and the rest of our team weekdays M-Th at 9am or 8pm on WGGN for CBM Today. In our first segment each day we pass along information to help us discern the times we are living in.
Recently we have discussed issues related to transgender confusion, Big Tech censorship, and the sad promotion of the LGBTQ agenda on Disney. And if you can believe it, Hobby Lobby was attacked for their annual July 4th ad in papers in which they had the audacity to title the ad "One Nation Under God."
Well, we are not going to be afraid to talk about such issues on television. Furthermore, we are going to encourage Christians to take a stand for Biblical truth whenever and wherever it is called for! Be sure to tune-in tomorrow as we discuss the biggest cybersecurity story of the year.
Obviously, we need to pray for our nation and that is exactly what our congregation is doing on Sunday evenings. Since the beginning of the pandemic we are not conducting our Sunday evening service. In its place I challenge our members to carve out time on Sunday evening somewhere around 6pm to pray as a family for the nation.
We are sticking with it! I challenge you to do the same. As we pray, petition the Lord to push back the wickedness of our day and pray He exposes the corruption in high places. Pray also for the authentic church in America that we might stand for truth no matter how unpopular it is. Our stand for Christ and righteousness is the only way the Lord will hear our prayers!
Pray also for our churches and for our children. Remember, the fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much! May the Lord show mercy upon us and grant us the gift of freedom is our prayer.
One more quick announcement. Please download one of the apps shown below and join me for CBM Worship. You can access the sermons via video on demand (VOD). Just search WGGN TV 52 on the streaming service you use below. Once our app appears proceed to download it to your TV or phone.
I believe the sermons offered will challenge, equip, and encourage you to serve the Lord more diligently in these difficult days.
God bless.
Pastor Rusty
Wow! It seems every passing month is filled with more stress for the nation.
I'm sure everyone is noticing the rise in prices for various commodities, houses, and automobiles. While there are a number of contributing factors no one should overlook the obvious.
One leading investment advisor points we are living through the greatest economic and social experiment since FDR’s New Deal. Today 26% of the money in the U.S. economy was printed by the government since February of last year. As a result, inflation has hit almost 5%... that’s the highest we’ve seen in 30 years.
Another report I read indicates if the annual rate of inflation remains at 5% the money we have saved will lose 50% of its purchasing power over the next 14 years. However, what if the rate of inflation goes higher?
The point is, printing trillions of dollars is destroying the value of every dollar in the nation and around the world. We cannot continue the madness of printing dollars until our currency is completely destroyed.
Remember, faithful stewardship positions us for God's best, but we will still feel the fall out from foolish monetary policy driven by our politicians and the Federal Reserve. In my opinion you would be wise to avoid debt of just about any kind if possible. Of course, this is wise under any circumstance. However, it is especially true at this time.
As things potentially worsen economically in the country, we would do well to remember the virtue of contentment. Take the time to read 1 Timothy 6:6-8 and let this instruction sink in. I think we are about to learn some new lessons in contentment.
On another front, I trust you are aware of the crisis on our southern border. It is troubling to say the least. The current administration owns this crisis as they created it with the very unwise policies implemented since President Biden took office.
Sadly, one of the major fallouts from the border mess is the reality COVID is without question being spread by illegal immigrants who are not tested, not vaccinated, and may even be sick as they are turned loose in the country. What hypocrisy on the part of our current administration. They compel citizens to go the extra mile to fight the pandemic and then welcome illegals with open arms with no masks, no testing, etc.
Another issue coming to the surface in the nation, whether some want to face it or not, is the problem of fraud in the 2020 election. If you are unaware of things coming to light in Arizona and elsewhere, I encourage you to catch up on the latest. A good source of news is now available on WGGN 52.5 which features the Real America's Voice network. It is available free via an outside antenna.
Next, I'm sure you are aware of the call by some to force every American to take the COVID vaccine. This raises a grave issue relating to personal freedom. Should the government have the power to make you participate in a medical procedure? Check out this link for an important perspective from the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons on this issue.
I encourage you to join me and the rest of our team weekdays M-Th at 9am or 8pm on WGGN for CBM Today. In our first segment each day we pass along information to help us discern the times we are living in.
Recently we have discussed issues related to transgender confusion, Big Tech censorship, and the sad promotion of the LGBTQ agenda on Disney. And if you can believe it, Hobby Lobby was attacked for their annual July 4th ad in papers in which they had the audacity to title the ad "One Nation Under God."
Well, we are not going to be afraid to talk about such issues on television. Furthermore, we are going to encourage Christians to take a stand for Biblical truth whenever and wherever it is called for! Be sure to tune-in tomorrow as we discuss the biggest cybersecurity story of the year.
Obviously, we need to pray for our nation and that is exactly what our congregation is doing on Sunday evenings. Since the beginning of the pandemic we are not conducting our Sunday evening service. In its place I challenge our members to carve out time on Sunday evening somewhere around 6pm to pray as a family for the nation.
We are sticking with it! I challenge you to do the same. As we pray, petition the Lord to push back the wickedness of our day and pray He exposes the corruption in high places. Pray also for the authentic church in America that we might stand for truth no matter how unpopular it is. Our stand for Christ and righteousness is the only way the Lord will hear our prayers!
Pray also for our churches and for our children. Remember, the fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much! May the Lord show mercy upon us and grant us the gift of freedom is our prayer.
One more quick announcement. Please download one of the apps shown below and join me for CBM Worship. You can access the sermons via video on demand (VOD). Just search WGGN TV 52 on the streaming service you use below. Once our app appears proceed to download it to your TV or phone.
I believe the sermons offered will challenge, equip, and encourage you to serve the Lord more diligently in these difficult days.
God bless.
Pastor Rusty