In April of 2022 our current President made some interesting comments that should raise the eyebrows of every parent in America. He said at the 2022 National and State Teachers of the Year awards at the White House, "They're all our children. And the reason you're the teachers of the year is because you recognize that. They're not somebody else's children. They're like yours when they're in the classroom."
Really. Do Christian parents believe their children belong to the teachers and administrators of the public school system? I don’t think so, however, those entrusted to care for and instruct the children placed in the public school system evidently do not see themselves as servants of parents. Rather, parents relinquish ownership of their children when they pass through the doors of the school. They are not “somebody else’s children” says the President, rather “they’re all our children.”
Biden's remarks sound a lot like those of Terry McAuliffe. You may recall during last year's race for Virginia governor McAuliffe said, "I don't think parents should be telling schools what they should teach." His opponent Glenn Youngkin went on to an upset win claiming the governorship as he rode a wave of parental outrage to victory.
While parental push back in that case is commendable the situation in our public schools remains out of control. The condition of public school education is horribly deficient for Christian families. Of course, I’m not talking about the condition of school buildings, or the lack of athletic programs, or other material needs such as computers, etc. Rather, I’m talking about the dominance of atheistic, ungodly education that long since departed from God, Christ, and His holy word.
I must remind Christian parents that a maturing knowledge of God developed in the hearts of children by daily instruction in the Holy Scriptures lies at the heart of real education. Any education that is devoid of Holy Scripture (which is able to make a child wise unto salvation which is in Christ Jesus our Lord) should be anathema to Christian parents. As our Lord says, we build upon sand if we hear his words and fail to obey. How much more are we building the lives of our children upon sand when the education they receive does not afford them the opportunity to even hear his word? I trust you see the point.
For over 45 years now I have found it amazing that Christian parents find it acceptable to hand their children to a system devoid of the Word of God. Some argue that homelife and church life provide sufficient instruction for children of Christian homes. However, that is horribly short-sighted for at least two reasons.
First, the hours spent at school over 13 years (K-12) dwarfs the hours a child spends receiving instruction at home and at church. Here is a break down of how this plays out:
*The absence of a Christian school experience means that we lost the opportunity to use the 7 hour a day, 180 days a year, 13 year educational experience to build disciples!
Consider the following: (13 years x 52 weeks x hours of instruction)
Church hours (13x52x3): 2028. (Assuming a child attends 3 times per week)
Home hours (13x52x7): 4732. (The seven here represents one hour/day of home instruction.)
School (13x180x7): 16,380. (13 years x 180 days x 7 hours per day) We lost these hours to secular education if the Christian school is ignored or if homeschooling is not an option for a family.
Putting the hours of instruction at home and at church together totals 6760. Total hours at school amounts to 16,380. Of course, how many families take their children to church three hours a week? Furthermore, how many families spend a full hour per day seven days a week instructing children in the Bible?
The point illustrated is simple to see. Most professing Christian parents have their children baptized in a secular school setting that amounts to the greatest influence in their life based upon the hours of interaction alone.
However, there is a greater point to be made. The Word of God is replete with instruction to believers to avoid an uneven yoke with the world. The Lord warns his people NOT to learn the ways of the wicked. Separation from the practices and philosophy of the world is a big priority if we are to successfully win and train our children to follow Christ.
Here is another blatant example of what is currently happening in our schools across the United States and the western world (this is only one example as the LGBTQ+ movement is literally putting all children at risk including those from professing Christian homes). I am quoting an article from Natural News to make this point:
“In order to make the world a better place, the World Economic Forum (WEF) wants the nations of the world to legalize or at least decriminalize pedophilia, which the globalists are now referring to as “age gap love.”
To criminalize the sexual molestation of children is to “violate human rights,” according to WEF head Klaus Schwab and his partner in crime Yuval Noah Harari, who says God is dead and “Jesus is fake news.”
At its most recent Davos gathering, the WEF tried to argue that normalizing pedophilia and child rape will “save humanity” from, you guessed it: climate change. The WEF also stated that the growing pedophilia epidemic is “nature’s gift” to mankind for a number of reasons.
One of those reasons is that molested children become so damaged that they are very unlikely to have families themselves. Child abuse and the destruction of innocence, according to the WEF, is nature’s way of cleansing the world and “saving humanity” from itself.
Destroying the family unit and allowing adult perverts to engage in sexual perversion with “underage people,” as the WEF is now calling them, will help to depopulate the planet and bring it back into “harmony” and “balance.”
One major way that the WEF is steering society towards accepting and even celebrating pedophilia as normal is through the “education,” aka indoctrination system.
Schwab himself bragged in Davos that his globalist minions have infiltrated every level of Western education, which explains the heavy push for LGBTQP – the P stands for pedophilia – at even the preschool level. Today’s children – at least the ones who are sent to “school” rather than homeschooled by their loving parents – are constantly barraged with sexual perversion in the classroom, often by LGBTQP “teachers” who expose them to as much deviancy as they can get away with.
These same children end up embracing sexual perversion themselves. Some cut off their body parts to turn “trans” while others engage in pedophilic behavior with pervert adults, who in some cases are their own “teachers.”
This deviancy then spreads as these damaged children go out into society and spread the gospel of LGBTQP themselves, creating an entire society of sexual perverts who live their lives in hot pursuit of their latest victims. This is the America that was long envisioned by the globalists as ideal for achieving their goals.”
Perhaps it is hard to believe such things are occurring in local public schools. However, I challenge you to find one public school in Erie county or otherwise who refuses to hire teachers who are a part of the LGBTQ+ movement. Such teachers are there and furthermore the administrators of our schools are not free to train children in Biblical morality. For years the moral vacuum in our schools has been filled by the “values” of the ungodly who by precept and example have long since departed from the will of God.
My advice to any Christian parent is to separate from the public school system. This priority is more urgent now than ever. I know that decision is not necessarily an easy one. However, in the battle for the heart and mind of your children it is foundational.
Obviously there are examples of children from Christian homes who survive the public system. However, NO Christian young person is thriving in that system and sadly many are being lost to the world as the culture overwhelms them. Remember this: your priority is to win your children to Christ and train them in the fear and admonition of the Lord. Can any Christian honestly say the public system is an ally helping to fulfill this priority in the life of their children?
I think the answer is obvious. I pray Christian parents will simply leave the system and focus with a zealous heart to raise up children who know the Word of God and come to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Our labor to raise up a godly generation is NOT in vain. The battle for our children is worthy of every sacrifice we make. May the Lord open our eyes to a fresh vision for the prosperity of our children is my prayer.
Really. Do Christian parents believe their children belong to the teachers and administrators of the public school system? I don’t think so, however, those entrusted to care for and instruct the children placed in the public school system evidently do not see themselves as servants of parents. Rather, parents relinquish ownership of their children when they pass through the doors of the school. They are not “somebody else’s children” says the President, rather “they’re all our children.”
Biden's remarks sound a lot like those of Terry McAuliffe. You may recall during last year's race for Virginia governor McAuliffe said, "I don't think parents should be telling schools what they should teach." His opponent Glenn Youngkin went on to an upset win claiming the governorship as he rode a wave of parental outrage to victory.
While parental push back in that case is commendable the situation in our public schools remains out of control. The condition of public school education is horribly deficient for Christian families. Of course, I’m not talking about the condition of school buildings, or the lack of athletic programs, or other material needs such as computers, etc. Rather, I’m talking about the dominance of atheistic, ungodly education that long since departed from God, Christ, and His holy word.
I must remind Christian parents that a maturing knowledge of God developed in the hearts of children by daily instruction in the Holy Scriptures lies at the heart of real education. Any education that is devoid of Holy Scripture (which is able to make a child wise unto salvation which is in Christ Jesus our Lord) should be anathema to Christian parents. As our Lord says, we build upon sand if we hear his words and fail to obey. How much more are we building the lives of our children upon sand when the education they receive does not afford them the opportunity to even hear his word? I trust you see the point.
For over 45 years now I have found it amazing that Christian parents find it acceptable to hand their children to a system devoid of the Word of God. Some argue that homelife and church life provide sufficient instruction for children of Christian homes. However, that is horribly short-sighted for at least two reasons.
First, the hours spent at school over 13 years (K-12) dwarfs the hours a child spends receiving instruction at home and at church. Here is a break down of how this plays out:
*The absence of a Christian school experience means that we lost the opportunity to use the 7 hour a day, 180 days a year, 13 year educational experience to build disciples!
Consider the following: (13 years x 52 weeks x hours of instruction)
Church hours (13x52x3): 2028. (Assuming a child attends 3 times per week)
Home hours (13x52x7): 4732. (The seven here represents one hour/day of home instruction.)
School (13x180x7): 16,380. (13 years x 180 days x 7 hours per day) We lost these hours to secular education if the Christian school is ignored or if homeschooling is not an option for a family.
Putting the hours of instruction at home and at church together totals 6760. Total hours at school amounts to 16,380. Of course, how many families take their children to church three hours a week? Furthermore, how many families spend a full hour per day seven days a week instructing children in the Bible?
The point illustrated is simple to see. Most professing Christian parents have their children baptized in a secular school setting that amounts to the greatest influence in their life based upon the hours of interaction alone.
However, there is a greater point to be made. The Word of God is replete with instruction to believers to avoid an uneven yoke with the world. The Lord warns his people NOT to learn the ways of the wicked. Separation from the practices and philosophy of the world is a big priority if we are to successfully win and train our children to follow Christ.
Here is another blatant example of what is currently happening in our schools across the United States and the western world (this is only one example as the LGBTQ+ movement is literally putting all children at risk including those from professing Christian homes). I am quoting an article from Natural News to make this point:
“In order to make the world a better place, the World Economic Forum (WEF) wants the nations of the world to legalize or at least decriminalize pedophilia, which the globalists are now referring to as “age gap love.”
To criminalize the sexual molestation of children is to “violate human rights,” according to WEF head Klaus Schwab and his partner in crime Yuval Noah Harari, who says God is dead and “Jesus is fake news.”
At its most recent Davos gathering, the WEF tried to argue that normalizing pedophilia and child rape will “save humanity” from, you guessed it: climate change. The WEF also stated that the growing pedophilia epidemic is “nature’s gift” to mankind for a number of reasons.
One of those reasons is that molested children become so damaged that they are very unlikely to have families themselves. Child abuse and the destruction of innocence, according to the WEF, is nature’s way of cleansing the world and “saving humanity” from itself.
Destroying the family unit and allowing adult perverts to engage in sexual perversion with “underage people,” as the WEF is now calling them, will help to depopulate the planet and bring it back into “harmony” and “balance.”
One major way that the WEF is steering society towards accepting and even celebrating pedophilia as normal is through the “education,” aka indoctrination system.
Schwab himself bragged in Davos that his globalist minions have infiltrated every level of Western education, which explains the heavy push for LGBTQP – the P stands for pedophilia – at even the preschool level. Today’s children – at least the ones who are sent to “school” rather than homeschooled by their loving parents – are constantly barraged with sexual perversion in the classroom, often by LGBTQP “teachers” who expose them to as much deviancy as they can get away with.
These same children end up embracing sexual perversion themselves. Some cut off their body parts to turn “trans” while others engage in pedophilic behavior with pervert adults, who in some cases are their own “teachers.”
This deviancy then spreads as these damaged children go out into society and spread the gospel of LGBTQP themselves, creating an entire society of sexual perverts who live their lives in hot pursuit of their latest victims. This is the America that was long envisioned by the globalists as ideal for achieving their goals.”
Perhaps it is hard to believe such things are occurring in local public schools. However, I challenge you to find one public school in Erie county or otherwise who refuses to hire teachers who are a part of the LGBTQ+ movement. Such teachers are there and furthermore the administrators of our schools are not free to train children in Biblical morality. For years the moral vacuum in our schools has been filled by the “values” of the ungodly who by precept and example have long since departed from the will of God.
My advice to any Christian parent is to separate from the public school system. This priority is more urgent now than ever. I know that decision is not necessarily an easy one. However, in the battle for the heart and mind of your children it is foundational.
Obviously there are examples of children from Christian homes who survive the public system. However, NO Christian young person is thriving in that system and sadly many are being lost to the world as the culture overwhelms them. Remember this: your priority is to win your children to Christ and train them in the fear and admonition of the Lord. Can any Christian honestly say the public system is an ally helping to fulfill this priority in the life of their children?
I think the answer is obvious. I pray Christian parents will simply leave the system and focus with a zealous heart to raise up children who know the Word of God and come to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Our labor to raise up a godly generation is NOT in vain. The battle for our children is worthy of every sacrifice we make. May the Lord open our eyes to a fresh vision for the prosperity of our children is my prayer.