Parents ought to be concerned about what their children are exposed to and here is another cause for concern. In light of the constant barrage against Christianity and Biblical thinking one wonders why Christian parents place their children in the public system.
Why not embrace the wisdom of Scripture and separate children from Christian homes unto the Lord? Why not place the total focus of education upon a growing knowledge of Christ and his word? Why not focus on building a fire in the hearts of Christian young people as opposed to always trying to "put out" fires ignited by exposure to dangerous trends in the world?
These are important questions and I hope many Christian parents will make it a priority to overcome the obstacles that hinder the pursuit of a godly education. As well, I hope those parents who see no urgency to place their children in a strong, Christian school culture will wake up to the spiritual dangers facing their children. In a word FIGHT FOR YOUR KIDS!
The spiritual battle for the heart and mind of your son or daughter is real. Apart from diligent effort focused on winning and training your child in the Faith it is not likely they will ever develop into disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Remember this as well: the use of private Christian education does NOT eliminate this battle. However, it gives parents the upper hand! Home field advantage is essential in this struggle. The use of homeschooling or the use of a strong Christian school takes ground away from our spiritual enemy--Satan.
In any battle it is strategic to hold the high ground. Unfortunately, spiritually Satan now holds too much ground in our public system and is freely assaulting our youth with false spirituality in various forms. He now has the ground to continually assault the sensibilities of our youth with constant attacks upon the conscience.
The wise parent should discern this and remove their children from arms way. In other words--TAKE THE GROUND BACK! As the Scripture says, "Neither give place to the devil" (Eph. 4:27). Said another way, don't give ground to the devil, or don't give him a vantage point from which he has the upper hand!
This verse has a number of applications for victorious Christian living and it certainly has an application to the important matter of education.
With that said, check out this article for another example of a lurking danger for our youth.
Why not embrace the wisdom of Scripture and separate children from Christian homes unto the Lord? Why not place the total focus of education upon a growing knowledge of Christ and his word? Why not focus on building a fire in the hearts of Christian young people as opposed to always trying to "put out" fires ignited by exposure to dangerous trends in the world?
These are important questions and I hope many Christian parents will make it a priority to overcome the obstacles that hinder the pursuit of a godly education. As well, I hope those parents who see no urgency to place their children in a strong, Christian school culture will wake up to the spiritual dangers facing their children. In a word FIGHT FOR YOUR KIDS!
The spiritual battle for the heart and mind of your son or daughter is real. Apart from diligent effort focused on winning and training your child in the Faith it is not likely they will ever develop into disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Remember this as well: the use of private Christian education does NOT eliminate this battle. However, it gives parents the upper hand! Home field advantage is essential in this struggle. The use of homeschooling or the use of a strong Christian school takes ground away from our spiritual enemy--Satan.
In any battle it is strategic to hold the high ground. Unfortunately, spiritually Satan now holds too much ground in our public system and is freely assaulting our youth with false spirituality in various forms. He now has the ground to continually assault the sensibilities of our youth with constant attacks upon the conscience.
The wise parent should discern this and remove their children from arms way. In other words--TAKE THE GROUND BACK! As the Scripture says, "Neither give place to the devil" (Eph. 4:27). Said another way, don't give ground to the devil, or don't give him a vantage point from which he has the upper hand!
This verse has a number of applications for victorious Christian living and it certainly has an application to the important matter of education.
With that said, check out this article for another example of a lurking danger for our youth.