The college and university campuses of America are harming many young adults in an alarming fashion. I really urge you to read this article on the subject.
If you are contemplating a four year experience on the campus of a state run school I would advise you to drop the idea completely. I would urge you to attend a Christian college if at all possible, especially if you are only 18. Perhaps an older adult (23 or older) could manage if they are NOT living on campus.
However, under any circumstance the current culture of our universities and colleges will chew you up and spit you out spiritually if there is no real substance to your faith. My advice is to focus on training in the Christian faith first with as much career preparation as possible at a Christian college, then with a bit more maturity under your belt if additional training is necessary at a state school you will be prepared.
This is a serious matter. Inviting the ungodly to "train" our Christian youth in philosophy is NOT biblical! Education that does not honor the Lord, that does not teach the fear of the Lord, and which is not centered upon the Lord Jesus Christ is NOT acceptable for Christian youth of any age.
When we couple together a godless K-12 experience with four or more years of additional godless instruction that at the college level makes no pretense of hiding animosity toward Christianity the fruit is exactly what we find discussed in this eye opening article.