Music has power.
It has the power to teach. It has the power to shape. It has the power to communicate the values of an entire subculture that exists within a nation.
Do you allow the world's music to teach, shape, and communicate an ungodly worldview to the heart and mind of your children?
This is an important question. I believe strongly that parents should raise their children exclusively on Christian music. Make it your business to develop in them the habit of listening to Christian music and simply do not allow them to listen to secular artists.
Now for sure your children are going to know plenty about pop artists pretty much by default. They see news in one way or the other. However, they do not need to be familiar with the world's music by virtue of buying it, downloading it, or consuming videos of it on a consistent, regular basis.
Here are a few things to keep in mind from Scripture:
Evil companionship corrupts good manners (1 Cor. 15:33). Music has the power to "undo" the spiritual training you are investing in your children. See to it that they have the right influences in their life. Ungodly artists will not lead our children in the right direction.
Music should contain pure themes (Phil. 4:8). Teach your children this principle and maintain the expectation that they conform to it in their music choices. GUIDE THEM PLEASE!
Music should glorify God (1 Corinthians 10:31). The lyrics and content of various songs should focus on the love of God, the Lord Jesus Christ, Biblical love between a man and woman, etc. This principle should serve as guidance for both adults and youth in the selection of music.
Purchase, promote, and use Christian music in your home life. Parents have the power to absolutely set the tone and direction of their family life. So fill your home with music that exalts the Lord and raise your children on it.
Simultaneously, guard your home and resist the temptation to allow the influence of ungodly music to drift into the life of your children. Diligence on this point will reward you with one of the great resources that can help you win and train your children in the Christian faith.
I must say that the body of Christ is quite gifted and is truly exalting the Lord in a variety of music genres. God's people are creating music that is second to none and it is speaking to the issues of life from the power of God's Word. There is really no excuse for Christians young or old to have their mind and heart buried in the world's music.
So I leave you with this thought connected to the subject of music: "Come out from among them and be ye separate saith the Lord and touch not the unclean thing and I will receive you, And I will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty" (2 Cor. 6:17-18).
For one powerful example of new music that can bless your family check out Selah's newest song by clicking here::
Keep directing the heart toward the Lord through the power of Christian/gospel music!