There are so many issues to talk about related to education that whole books are written on the subject. However, as a Pastor I am quite single minded when it comes to this issue.
Christian parents have one over riding priority when it comes to the education of their children. Jesus Christ and his Word (the Bible) are to form the "core" of their children's education.
I hear so much discussion about Common Core and its deficiencies. But when are Pastors, Christian laymen, and Christian parents going to wake up to the more weighty deficiencies prevalent in the system long before Common Core was even an issue?
What are those horrible deficiencies from a Biblical perspective? How about a whole system that leaves God, Christ, and his Word completely out of the daily education of our kids during the formative years of K-12 education?
How about a school culture that does not require its administrators or teachers to maintain a Christian testimony before the students?
How about a school culture that has no room for heart felt prayer and which never compels students to actively seek the will of God for their lives?
I could go on, but at its core education should be built around our Creator/Redeemer--the Lord Jesus Christ. Is this really controversial for professed Christians and Christian leaders?
Again, follow this link to a piece that is sure to make you think deeply about pressing issues that are not going away. For the long term spiritual well-being of every child in our Christian homes please think deeply about this issue.