OneNewsNow turned to Walt Heyer, who transitioned from male to female in his 40s before reverting back, after research from the University of Cambridge reports that 96 percent of transgender youth harm themselves, including cutting and suicide attempts.
For the full article click here.
One of the things we should discern regarding the nation's drift into moral insanity is the fact this downward spiral is driven by a growing ungodly segment of society that does not participate in these behaviors themselves, rather they affirm the behaviors.
The small percentage of our population actually living a LGBTQ lifestyle is not the reason for the current snowball effect as these aberrant lifestyles continue to gain cultural acceptance.
The real problem lies in the millions of "normal" Americans who themselves are ungodly and living in rebellion against God. They are determined to secularize the country and in so doing strip the nation of any moral standards whatsoever.
America as we have known her cannot exist without the restraining influence of Bible Christianity. Yet, that influence is very minimal in the "high places" of our society today.
No longer is entertainment restrained by the Judeo-Christian ethic. No longer are millions of children taught in our schools to fear God, obey his word, and seek his will in their personal lives. No longer is political decisions weighed in light of the ten commandments, thus our government has become a haven for every foul spirit known to mankind.
Thankfully a remnant of God's people are willing to serve in that government and it is their prayers and godly influence (coupled with a remnant of believers across the land who also stand for righteousness and engage in prayer) that is holding back the total collapse of order in the nation.
Every believer needs to focus on living godly in this present evil world (Titus 2:12) and raising godly families. This must be our focus. NOT sports, dance, careers, or endless entertaining of self. Rather, the fervent pursuit of godliness FIRST. Period. Nothing else will preserve this nation and nothing else will ultimately produce a joyous, overcoming Christian life.
May the Lord grant his church a genuine revival is my prayer.