Is a financial tsunami headed our way? How should your family prepare? I have been watching this reality for several years and on paper things just are not getting better in America. Don't misunderstand, the whole world is not going to end tomorrow.
However, what might end sooner than we think is easy access to credit. How far reaching this may prove to be should be of great concern to each of us. Read this article and just think about the realities that exist right now across our nation. How much more can a nation borrow? When and how will it all end?
I urge you to set your financial house in order as much as possible. Be wise in your decisions and my advice to any believer right now is to simply avoid debt like the plague!
However, what might end sooner than we think is easy access to credit. How far reaching this may prove to be should be of great concern to each of us. Read this article and just think about the realities that exist right now across our nation. How much more can a nation borrow? When and how will it all end?
I urge you to set your financial house in order as much as possible. Be wise in your decisions and my advice to any believer right now is to simply avoid debt like the plague!