It’s obvious from the title of the film--Early Man—that it will be full of evolutionary content and storytelling. The whole idea of mankind transitioning from the primitive Stone Age to the Bronze Age comes from an evolutionary view of mankind. In this belief, man started out primitive and slowly gained intelligence, enabling him to make discoveries and move from hunting and gathering into agriculture and then into cities. But this view of history is in direct opposition to God’s Word!
For the full article click here.
The steady drumbeat from our culture touting evolution and millions of years is unrelenting. The only way to combat the indoctrination that constantly takes place almost unnoticed is to carefully and diligently teach the Scriptures to the whole family.
If you choose to watch this film (and children by the millions probably will as parents take them to do so) an honest conversation about the lies presented as fact should take place. Wise adults can use these opportunities to boldly teach the Word of God and correct wrong thinking on the spot. Do it!!