Ultimately, all of our children must make a decision that belongs to them alone. However, I think parents can be wise and they should be diligent. And that brings me to the one main take away from this story you should not ignore.
Remember to watch the heart of your child. Do not take it for granted that a child is saved simply because they have the privilege of Christian influence in the home and church.
While children can certainly be saved at an early age wise parents watch the heart. Along the way should you discern a lack of commitment to Christ in the heart DO NOT assume your child is saved (born again with a genuine love for Christ).
At that point make it your sole priority to win your child to Christ. How? Two things are essential: earnest prayer and careful instruction in the gospel of Christ. And there is one other thing. You MUST be willing as a parent to fight the battle.
As children come of age the lure of the world is powerful and REAL. However, as a godly parent the Lord provides a window of opportunity in which you exercise righteous authority over your children. When the temptation comes for you as a parent to bend and give up take your spiritual armor and stand (Eph. 6)!
Here is another piece of wisdom. Winning your children to Christ will NOT be about the rules you place on your child. Parental guidance goes without saying so family rules are normal, but the gospel is not about rules!
Remember, Christianity is all about a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Consequently, if you are going to win them the focus must be upon the Lord Jesus. Patiently, lovingly, and consistently in the home teach your child the gospel.
The gospel is the power of God unto salvation to all that believe. Parents, don't panic. Instead attack the heart with the power of the gospel. The Lord will be faithful!
Take a look at this article and be sure to actually watch the video clip of Katy Perry.