The Coweta County School District issued an edict banning all coaches and other employees from participating in student-initiated or student-led prayer or other forms of worship while acting in their official capacity.
For the full article click here.
Incredible! This is student lead prayer but the coaches are told to refrain from bowing their head lest they appear to be "endorsing" a religion. Someone explain to me why every school board in America seems to be terrified at the thought of standing up against the bullies in the Freedom from Religion Foundation who trot all over the country daring anyone attached to the State schools to reflect the Christian faith in any way?
So the same coach could bow his knee in protest of our national anthem and the flag and these bunch of bullies would probably stand up and cheer the exercise of free speech. I say SCHOOL BOARDS OUGHT TO STAND UP TO THIS TACTIC AND PREPARE TO GO TO COURT IF NECESSARY AND FIGHT!! I believe a majority of citizens would stand with them and I know we have solid organizations who will defend such a stand vigorously and win!!
Of course it might cost us something to secure the victory so perhaps we just don't want to pay the price.