"There is a disastrous epidemic eating away at America's families that stems from heightened cultural, legal and legislative attacks on the family structure itself. Radical groups want to redefine marriage and the family . . .
. . . Right now, there is an unprecedented onslaught targeting our families through cultural immersion, government mandates and extreme propaganda taught in our public schools.
Christian principles are being systematically rooted out of our schools and culture. The minds of children are being barraged as never before with revisionist history, immoral behaviors and abhorrent lifestyles." (For more information on the Liberty Counsel visit www.lc.org)
The Liberty Counsel is one of the leading legal groups in America fighting for religious freedom in our courts. They fight many battles connected to our public school system. Since they are in the trenches they see first hand what is going on. If a group like the Liberty Counsel says there is "extreme propaganda taught in our public schools" as "Christian principles are being systematically rooted out of our schools," then Christian parents need to make a change.
I strongly advise Christian parents to avoid the use of the public school system. Why? Here are two of my concerns:
1. The entire education experience is built upon the sandy foundation of humanism. Said another way: our public school system does not build education upon a knowledge of God, Christ, and His word.
While this may not be a concern for the world, I would remind the Christian community (including Pastors, elders, and spiritual leaders in the church) WE ARE NOT THE WORLD. How did it every become acceptable to the greater Christian community to engage in so-called education while leaving out God, Christ, and the source of all truth--the Holy Scriptures?
2. Next, we are disobeying the Lord's command to avoid an "uneven yoke" (Please read and apply 2 Corinthians 6:14-18 to this situation). It is obvious the educational priorities of the Christian community is NOT in line with that of the world. Today our public school system has degenerated into moral chaos and spiritual darkness. Today there is no Christian philosophy of education permitted in the public system. On the contrary, the system is dominated by the ungodly.
My advice to parents who have a fervent desire their children serve the Lord is very straight forward: remove them from a system devoid of Christianity and build upon the solid rock of godly instruction based upon the Lordship of Christ and the unchanging Word of God.
I can only offer advice, but surely Christian parents can discern the spiritual well-being of their children is more important than anything else in this world. Surely Christian parents have the ability to open their eyes and heed the advice of godly pastors and others who have been sounding the alarm for decades.
Be wise. Separate your children unto the Lord. Don't allow the ungodly to have direct influence upon their hearts and minds. Yes, we are in the world and your children will come of age soon enough. However, as they do so it should be under the godly tutorage of Christian education manifested in the home, the church, AND the school.