Socialism is sure to be a hot subject through-out the upcoming presidential election cycle. I hope Americans take the time to actually understand why socialism is a bust.
Bernie Sanders is an avowed socialist and his vision for America in the view of history is flat-out unamerican! America stands as a constitutional republic with a free market, capitalistic economy. Private property rights and freedom to own businesses apart from government control is exactly why we enjoy the greatest level of prosperity known in the history of the world.
Of course, over the past 90 years or so the nation has slowly migrated toward big government that today is administering a number of programs once foreign to the whole concept of government in America. The result is not a happy one: soaring national debt; growing dependence on government; a bloated federal bureaucracy; oppressive regulations; and taxation aimed at taking from one segment of the population and giving it to another.
As it is, we have a growing mess on our hands today because the nation is tinkering with ideas more akin to socialism than free market capitalism. God forbid we ever embrace the lie of socialism wholesale! Check out this article by Justin Haskins of Fox News. These points need to be made over and over and over and over again until the general public sees socialism as the evil it really is.
By the way, for the latest failed example of socialism see the next piece below. In real life socialism is a disaster, unless of course one love's the idea of an elite group ruling over the population of a nation all equally poor and miserable.
Bernie Sanders is an avowed socialist and his vision for America in the view of history is flat-out unamerican! America stands as a constitutional republic with a free market, capitalistic economy. Private property rights and freedom to own businesses apart from government control is exactly why we enjoy the greatest level of prosperity known in the history of the world.
Of course, over the past 90 years or so the nation has slowly migrated toward big government that today is administering a number of programs once foreign to the whole concept of government in America. The result is not a happy one: soaring national debt; growing dependence on government; a bloated federal bureaucracy; oppressive regulations; and taxation aimed at taking from one segment of the population and giving it to another.
As it is, we have a growing mess on our hands today because the nation is tinkering with ideas more akin to socialism than free market capitalism. God forbid we ever embrace the lie of socialism wholesale! Check out this article by Justin Haskins of Fox News. These points need to be made over and over and over and over again until the general public sees socialism as the evil it really is.
By the way, for the latest failed example of socialism see the next piece below. In real life socialism is a disaster, unless of course one love's the idea of an elite group ruling over the population of a nation all equally poor and miserable.